
Project: Integrated System for Collection, Transportation and Treatment of Medical Waste
Start of Operation: 2010
APOTEFROTIRAS S.A. constitutes a leading force in the area of collection, transportation and treatment of medical waste. The main object of the company is the implementation of a public contract with A.C.M.A.R. for the operation and maintenance of the Incineration Plant of Athens, as well as the collection and transportation of medical waste to the Incineration Plant.

APOTEFROTIRAS S.A. possesses an Internal Regulation for the collection and transportation of medical waste as well as an ISO 14001 Environmental Management Certification compatible with the rules of safety and protection of the environment.
MOTION Hellas contracted the design, development, installation and commissioning of the following Software applications:
A Complete System for the Telematic Management and Surveillance of the process of Collection and Transportation of Hazardous Medical Waste. The system includes transmission of essential data via GPS and GSM/GPRS from the vehicles to computers’ specialized software.
Purchase Management System
Production Management and Traceability system for the of the Incinerationof the medical waste. Once they arrive at the plant the vehicles are checked for the presence of radioactive materials via a Radioactivity Detection Gate installed at the entrance. They are then weighed at a weigh-bridge and unloaded into the refrigeration chambers for storage. They remain in storage for 2-3 days maximum. The unloading of the chambers occurs based on first in- first out system.