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Kastijun (Croatia)



County Waste Management Centre (CWMC), Kastijun, County of Istria. Croatia CCI No 2008HR16IPR001


Capacity: 90.000 t/y

Start of operation: January 2016

Client: Helector



Project: MBT Automation & SCADA System (MBT-OMS & ISS SCADA System)

Design, development, planning, implementation, testing and commissioning of the Supervisory Automation Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA system) for the Construction of County Waste Management Centre Kaštijun including the MBT plant, buildings and the landfill area.


MOTION Hellas offered the instrumentation design, software development, planning, implementation, testing and commissioning of the Supervisory Automation Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA system) for the MBT Plant, the WWTP and the Landfill area.


All the MBT equipment is monitored by the MBT-OMS & ISS SCADA system. Except of the MBT and WWRP process equipment which includes the:

  • Reception & Process Crane

  • Mechanical Separation process

  • Biodrying process

  • SRF Production

  • Waste Water Treatment Equipment


the following MBT equipment is monitored by the MBT ISS Scada System (Building Services and Infrastructure):


  • Weighing Indicators

  • Fire Alarm system

  • Power Meters

  • Transformers

  • Power Generators

  • Doors, matrix signs, message display, sensors (induction sensors, Optical distance sensor etc), Lighting Zones inside and outside the MBT buildings

  • Pumps, Tanks inside the MBT buildings, Sprinkler tank

  • Dust filters

  • Flare Equipment

  • LPG and Diesel Station

The MBT-OMS & ISS SCADA System aims to:


  • monitor and control the operation of basic functions such as starting-up the installation, closing down the process, confirming emergency switch-off operations and restarting, etc.

  • supervise critical parameters, if this is not performed by means of locally installed systems

  • display the process on a flow diagram, especially:

  • warn against any approaching critical situations

  • disconnect and shut down in a safe manner parts of the installation in case of such critical situations

  • show and control the following information:

  • configuration of system and state of communications

  • current alarms, as well as list of previous alarms and events

  • instructions for rectifying errors in the facility

  • mimic diagrams

  • graphs

  • Management, i.e. activation and deactivation of the whole as well as particular parts of the facility.

  • documenting the operations of the installation including recording defects and any interferences with installation operating procedures.


In addition MOTION Hellas offered the development, planning, implementation, testing and commissioning of the WBManager System and the OPUS CMMS Software system.

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